BSP Compile Log
Viewing and using the BSP Compile logs.
Compile Errors
Compiling your assets for Source sometimes generates errors. This page lists categories for finding solutions to compile problems.
3ds Max Tools
3ds Max Tools that help with game development. All tools have been or are actively used by Wall Worm.
Hitboxes and Bone Properties
The bone tools allow you to give specific bones artbitrary surface properties, set mass bias and create hitboxes and hitbox groups.
Studiomdl.exe - Check for write enable
This error occurs when the path for the output model does not exist. This is an error that happens at the compile stage and will happen if you are compiling straight from WWMT or by compiling manually from the batch file.
Displacement edge abutting other edges
Help understanding the VBSP compile warning about displacement edge abutting other edges.
Exporting WWMT Models to GoldSource
Information on requirements to export and compile WWMT Models from 3ds Max into Goldsource.
Nothing Happens When You Hit Export
Model does not compile when you hit export. Here are some solutions.
Vtex.exe - ERROR: Can't convert image from RGBA8888 to DXT1 in CalcLowResImage
This error occurs if you are trying to compile an image that has a dimension that isn't a Power of 2.
Studiomdl.exe - SteamStartup() failed
You'll get this studiomdl error if you try to compile a model and Steam isn't running.