VMF Exporter
The Wall Worm tools allows you to send your 3ds Max scene to Hammer and Source via a VMF Exporter.
Normal Tools
Normal Tools are a collection of utilities and functions for quickly editing your Normals in 3ds Max.
Displacement Alpha Blending
Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.
Batch Import Levels
Batch import levels from Source and Goldsource into 3ds Max or FBX format.
Mass Model Fetch
The Mass Model Fetch Utility allows you to import multiple props into your scene at once.
Wall Worm 4, 3ds Max 2020 and Black Mesa News
Wall Worm 4.0 Released and other news about 3ds Max.
An overview of creating displacements for the Source Game Engine inside 3ds Max using Anvil.
Exporting CAT and Biped Models
Export your CAT or Biped rig from 3ds Max into the Source Game Engine with Wall Worm.
Cordon Manager
The cordon manager lets you use multiple cordons and limit the compiling of your level to the area inside the cordon.