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VMAP Exporter

Posted on Mar 2, 2024 | Last Updated Mar 2, 2024

The Wall Worm Level Exporter can export 3ds Max scenes into Source 2 VMAP files.

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vmap, source 2, hammer 2, level, map


Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Dec 25, 2022

About Wall Worm.

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Preparing Your Model

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jan 5, 2014

Preparing your model to export your model with WWMT in 3ds Max to the Source Engine.

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Nothing Happens When You Hit Export

Posted on Feb 13, 2012 | Last Updated Feb 13, 2012

Model does not compile when you hit export. Here are some solutions.

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Posted on Apr 22, 2015 | Last Updated Nov 28, 2018

ProPal is a new plugin to speed up texturing projects.

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Exporting Animated Particle Textures

Posted on Oct 20, 2015 | Last Updated Oct 21, 2015

Instructions on exporting animated textures straight from 3ds Max into the Particle Editor.

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animated vtf, particles, makesheet, mksheet, .mks, .sht

Scene Management

Posted on Oct 12, 2018 | Last Updated Oct 12, 2018

Topics related to scene management tools in 3ds Max and Wall Worm.

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Porting Levels

Posted on Dec 19, 2016 | Last Updated Dec 30, 2020

Articles related to porting levels into Source using 3ds Max and Wall Worm.

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Posted on Feb 20, 2012 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2016

Articles pertaining to the development of Wall Worm tools, 3ds Max and the Source Game Engine.

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Posted on Feb 20, 2012 | Last Updated Sep 28, 2016

The Wall Worm Entity Output interface allows you to add interactivity to your Source level directly in the 3ds Max UI. Requires Convexity.

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entity, entities, outputs, inputs, i/o, scripting