Some PSDs can crash VTEX
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas must be converted
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas can sometimes crash VTEX.
Texture and VTex Errors
Topics pertaining to errors compiling VTF Textures from bitmaps in Source.
Recovering a Displacement Mesh
This page explains how to recover your displacements from a Sculpt Mesh that was never committed.
Studiomdl.exe - Check for write enable
This error occurs when the path for the output model does not exist. This is an error that happens at the compile stage and will happen if you are compiling straight from WWMT or by compiling manually from the batch file.
Exporting WWMT Models to GoldSource
Information on requirements to export and compile WWMT Models from 3ds Max into Goldsource.
Displacement edge abutting other edges
Help understanding the VBSP compile warning about displacement edge abutting other edges.
Slow Closing File or 3ds Max
This problem is fixed with sculpt meshes created with WW 2.82+.
3ds Max seems to hang when closing a file with a large sculpt mesh.