WWMT Changelog
Wall Worm tools changelog. Includes information and release date on each update to Wall Worm.
My Model Scale is Wrong
All you need to know about getting your model scale correct.
Many new 3ds Max users have problems with the scale of their exported models not matching the scale in the Max UI. Here are some tips on solving that.
The Age of Free Game Engines is Here
The game engines are all going free and Wall Worm Pro is now available.
Understanding How to Set Up Paths
Many new users of WWMT find themselves confused when it comes to the setup of WWMT. This is primarily because there are some specific paths you must set correctly for the automation of WWMT to work.
Prop Libraries
Creating Prop Libraries for re-using assets in Wall Worm Projects.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 3 Changelog
Archive of Changelog early 2017 to early 2019
Archive of Wall Worm Version 3.X changelog in early 2017 through early 2019.
Error When Updating Wall Worm
Some problems that can occur when updating Wall Worm and Wall Worm Pro, along with some workarounds.
Wall Worm Turns Five Years Old
Wall Worm launched on November 18, 2010. This post discusses the journey from then through November 2015.
Wall Worm: Work Flows and Other Things
Some new videos on the Wall Worm Workflow for Source.