Using Legacy CS:GO with Wall Worm
How to revive a project started in CS:GO after the update to Source 2 in Counter-Strike 2.
Instructions on using Wall Worm Projects configured for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive after the release of Counter-Strike 2 on the Source 2 engine.
Level Design
An introduction into level design for Source using 3ds Max.
Nudge Tools
Nudge Tools in Wall Worm
Back to the Future with BSP
Newsletter #2 in 2016 with recent updates in Wall Worm, talk about the level design contest and random thoughts.
Wall Worm Gets Tanked
Well... I mean Wall Worm is used on a Tank.
Some news and spotlight about Wall Worm, tools, users and projects.
DXF Importer
You can import a DXF scene into Max. This allows you to transfer the basic level design from Hammer to Max.
A Source for New Tools
2016 Year in Review for Wall Worm

Halloween 2016 news for Wall Worm and the release of a new MDL Importer for 3ds Max.
A Decade of Wall Worm

Wall Worm turned 10 years old in 2020. Here is a little status update.