Making Ragdolls in 3ds Max for Source
Making a ragdoll requires you to use the hierarchy tab in the command panel, which may be a new area for less experienced modelers. Watch the video here to get a basic overview of how to make a ragdoll for Source.
Attachments & Particle System UI
Attachments are points on your model where you can attach extra models and particle systems (guns, sprites, etc). This page details both Attachments and Particle Systems since the Particle System controls are also in the attachment rollout.
VMF Importer
You can use Wall Worm to import a VMF into 3ds Max. This allows you to bring in your Hammer project into 3ds Max.
Wall Worm, the Angry Teapot and the Art of Xen
Latest news on Wall Worm development, the Angry Teapot Awards and some insight on the future development of Xen in Black Mesa.
This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.
OSL Blendmodulate
OSL Blendmodulate mask to generate a mask as with a WorldVertexTransition shader in Source.
Using 4Way Blends
Overview of creating and working with Lightmapped_4WayBlend shaders in Wall Worm.
Finding Leaks in 3ds Max
Some information on finding and troubleshooting leaks.
Utilities Rollout
The utulities rollout contains various features, functions and utilities to help work with WWMT models.