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Map Exporter

Posted on Jan 17, 2015 | Last Updated Jan 6, 2018

Wall Worm's MAP export for Goldsrc.

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goldsource, goldsrc, level, map, export, rmf, compile


Posted on Jan 17, 2015 | Last Updated Oct 18, 2019

Wall Worm support for Goldsrc is here.

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goldsrc, wallworm, 3ds max

Example Files

Posted on Dec 20, 2013 | Last Updated Dec 20, 2013

3ds Max files showing how to do various tasks in Wall Worm.

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Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Documtation on using Wall Worm Model Tools.

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wwmt, docs

WWMT Tutorials

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Tutorials and videos on using Wall Worm tools.

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WWMT Rollouts

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Feb 12, 2012

Rollouts on Wall Worm Model Tools.

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User Interface

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Information on the user interface for Wall Worm Model Tools.

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wwmt, ui

Getting Started

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Getting started on setting up the Wall Worm Model Tools.

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DXF Importer

Posted on Jul 18, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 18, 2012

You can import a DXF scene into Max. This allows you to transfer the basic level design from Hammer to Max.

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dxf, importer, import, hammer, 3ds max, vmf

Cordon Manager

Posted on Jun 9, 2012 | Last Updated Jun 9, 2019

The cordon manager lets you use multiple cordons and limit the compiling of your level to the area inside the cordon.

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