Wall Worm Model Tools
Wall Worm Model Tools is a collection of tools for getting your models and textures from 3ds Max into the Source Game Engine.
Model Utilities
The Models tab in Anvil lets you create proxies for WWMT models, set prop types and control many properties and settings for WWMT helpers in the scene.
Mass Model Fetch
The Mass Model Fetch Utility allows you to import multiple props into your scene at once.
My Model Scale is Wrong
All you need to know about getting your model scale correct.
Many new 3ds Max users have problems with the scale of their exported models not matching the scale in the Max UI. Here are some tips on solving that.
Overview of Wall Worm Model Tools
Overview on what it is that Wall Worm Model Tools is and does.
Running the Model Tools
How to run the Wall Worm Model Tools for the first time.
Installing Wall Worm Model Tools
Instructions on installing the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Level of Detail (LOD) Generator & Tools Rollout
The Level of Detail Tools Rollout gives you controls for making LOD models and other LOD-related tools.
Wall Worm Beta Changelog
Archive of Changelog from 2010
Archive of the Wall Worm Model Tools beta changelog for versions 0.5 to 0.999.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 3 Changelog
Archive of Changelog early 2017 to early 2019
Archive of Wall Worm Version 3.X changelog in early 2017 through early 2019.