MDL Loader isn't working
Instructions on manually setting the correct plugin paths if WW did not set them during installation.
3ds Max Tools
3ds Max Tools that help with game development. All tools have been or are actively used by Wall Worm.
Convert Scene to Model
Instructions on converting a scene into a model or clustering multiple model props into single models.
Normal Tools
Normal Tools are a collection of utilities and functions for quickly editing your Normals in 3ds Max.
Hitboxes and Bone Properties
The bone tools allow you to give specific bones artbitrary surface properties, set mass bias and create hitboxes and hitbox groups.
Wall Worm, Still Squirming
First Wall Worm blog entry. A brief discussion on the past, present and future of Wall Worm.
Making your 3D Skybox
Explanation on making a 3D Skybox in 3ds Max with Wall Worm.
Hull Helper
Hull Helper is a simple UI to speed up making hulls from complex models.