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Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Apr 21, 2016

This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.

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Other Tools

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Feb 12, 2012

Some of the less common tools packaged with Wall Worm.

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Attachments & Particle System UI

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Feb 12, 2012

Attachments are points on your model where you can attach extra models and particle systems (guns, sprites, etc). This page details both Attachments and Particle Systems since the Particle System controls are also in the attachment rollout.

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Cordon Manager

Posted on Jun 9, 2012 | Last Updated Jun 9, 2019

The cordon manager lets you use multiple cordons and limit the compiling of your level to the area inside the cordon.

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Character Models

Posted on Jul 19, 2013 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Articles related to making character models for the Source Game Engine.

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Wall Worm Beta Changelog

Archive of Changelog from 2010
Posted on Oct 9, 2017 | Last Updated Oct 9, 2017

Archive of the Wall Worm Model Tools beta changelog for versions 0.5 to 0.999.

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2010, beta

VBSP Parser

Import Detail Sprites into 3ds Max
Posted on Nov 1, 2013 | Last Updated Feb 22, 2014
VBSP Importer

Import prop details from your VBSP files.

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vbsp, detail, sprites, importer, detailsprites

Exporting Your Static Prop

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Apr 20, 2016

Basic explanation on using WWMT to export your static prop into Source.

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Bitmaps to Materials

Posted on Apr 5, 2016 | Last Updated Dec 19, 2016

Information on creating substance-driven material libraries and generating tri-planar projection textures without need for UV mapping.

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substance, bitmap2material, triplanar, blended mapping, blended projection, uvw, material library

DMX, SMD and VTA Exporter

Posted on May 5, 2012 | Last Updated Oct 14, 2018

Explanation of the DMX, SMD andVTA Exporter packaged with Wall Worm. Use the SMD Exporter or VTA exporter to get your models into Source.

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dmx, smd, export, exporter, 3ds max, 3ds max 2014, vta, source, sdk, game