Latest Articles
Entities are Missing in Exported Scene
Solutions on missing entities in exported game level
Information on why some entities might not export into the game and how to fix that.
Displacements Fail to Export

Some tips on troubleshooting displacements failing to export from Max into Source.
My Material is always Transparent but I don't want it to be
Information on outputting the desired alpha settings for your materials.
Updates to WW are Missing
Steps on fixing Wall Worm to use the latest version that is installed.
Unknown System Exception
Steps on fixing problems with an Unknown System Exception when importing files.
Help! There was an Error and Now Max is Frozen
If there is a MAXScript error during some functions, the MAX UI can remain in limbo (frozen or non-responsive). Here is the function to fix this.
When Opening Scene there is a startup script error.
Anvil embeds reference to a script in your 3ds Max scripts folder. If that file is missing, there can be an error.
Anvil embeds some scripts for scene startup to protect displacements from being invalidated via improper manipulation. Older versions of Anvil referenced a file that could cause an error if missing.
BSP Compile Log
Viewing and using the BSP Compile logs.
Finding Leaks in 3ds Max
Some information on finding and troubleshooting leaks.
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