Hitboxes and Bone Properties
The bone tools allow you to give specific bones artbitrary surface properties, set mass bias and create hitboxes and hitbox groups.
Studiomdl.exe - Model has 2-dimensional geometry
Relates also to: Error with convex elements of Mesh
This error is usually caused by models having a $concave flag that do not have proper collision hulls.
Running Function with Keyboard Shortcut Opens Docs URL
Some of the MacroScripts in Wall Worm now have a default secondary action when executed with the SHIFT key held down.
Information on why keyboard shortcuts using the SHIFT key open the online documents for the function rather than running the function.
DX Display Shaders
Information on the DX shaders used by Wall Worm.
This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.
Displacement edge abutting other edges
Help understanding the VBSP compile warning about displacement edge abutting other edges.
End User License Agreement
End User License Agreement for Wall Worm Products.
Vtex.exe - Problem figuring out outputdir
You can get this error when you've saved your TGA files to an incorrect path.
Studiomdl.exe and Vtex.exe - Unable to find gameinfo.txt
This error usually indicates Steam did an update or you are working with a mod that doesn't use the Steam VProject setting. Read the fix here.